1. Single Responsibility Principle

1. Single Responsibility Principle

One class for one responsibility

What is it?

In the realm of software design, the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) advocates for clarity and maintainability by assigning a singular purpose to each class. This principle encourages a class to encapsulate one, and only one, aspect of functionality, making it robust and adaptable.

In Robert C. Martin's own words:

A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.

Let's try to understand this with a real world example. Think of a chef in a restaurant. Each chef has one specific role - whether it's chopping vegetables, grilling meat, or creating delectable desserts. If a chef were responsible for all tasks, chaos would ensue, and the kitchen's efficiency would suffer.

Similarly, applying Single Responsibility Principle in software design ensures that each class has a specific responsibility, preventing a tangled mess of functionality. When there is a need to change that functionality, then only that class should be changed/modified.

In real world, requirement change is inevitable. Adapting an existing class to accommodate evolving requirements not only results in a bloated class but also introduces numerous side-effects. This situation becomes a breeding ground for bugs. Moreover, when a class juggles multiple functionalities, the domino effect can propagate to dependent classes, creating a web of complexity that hinders maintainability and scalability.

Practical Example

Let's understand what we dicussed with the help of an example. Suppose, we have an existing ReportGenerator class that initially handles only report generation:

public class ReportGenerator {
    public void generateReport(String data) {
        // Logic to generate a report using the provided data
        System.out.println("Generated Report: " + data);

Now, let's say there's a new requirement to log the report generation process. The temptation might be to modify the existing class to accommodate this feature:

public class ReportGenerator {
    public void generateReport(String data) {
        // Logic to generate a report using the provided data
        System.out.println("Generated Report: " + data);

        // New functionality: Logging

    private void logReportGeneration(String data) {
        // Logic to log the report generation process
        System.out.println("Report Generation Logged: " + data);

While this seems convenient, it violates the Single Responsibility Principle and introduces potential issues. A cleaner approach is to create a separate ReportLogger class responsible for logging:

public class ReportLogger {
    public void logReportGeneration(String data) {
        // Logic to log the report generation process
        System.out.println("Report Generation Logged: " + data);

Now, the ReportGenerator class remains focused on report generation:

public class ReportGenerator {
    public void generateReport(String data) {
        // Logic to generate a report using the provided data
        System.out.println("Generated Report: " + data);

This separation adheres to the Single Responsibility Principle. If a new feature arises, like logging, it's handled by a dedicated class, promoting clean code and ease of maintenance.


  • Improved Readability and Maintainability

    Classes focus on specific tasks, making the code easier to understand

  • Enhanced Debugging and Troubleshooting

    Isolating responsibilities simplifies identifying and fixing issues

  • Facilitates Code Reuse and Modularity

    Individual classes with distinct responsibilities encourage modular design


  • Potential Increase in the Number of Classes

    Single Responsibility Principle may lead to a larger number of smaller classes

  • Requires Careful Consideration

    Defining proper responsibilities demands thoughtful design decisions

In summary, when dealing with large or long-running applications, developers may feel tempted to tack on that one additional feature to an existing class, resulting in bloated and challenging-to-test code. A more effective approach involves assessing whether an existing class already shoulders the responsibility. If not, creating a new class dedicated to the specific functionality proves to be a cleaner and more maintainable solution.

By following the Single Responsibility Principle, your code becomes like a well-orchestrated kitchen where each chef has their expertise. This not only makes your code clear and easy to understand but also ensures it can grow and adapt gracefully over time, just like a resilient team of culinary experts.